
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

When Life Hands You Lemons...

Make a lemonade stand!!! So about a week ago, my husband told me to pick a project so I could learn how to start woodworking. I came across a lemonade stand on pinterest & told him that was what I wanted to make. Every night, he taught me how, & I did everything myself from hand sawing the wood to hammering. It's the first thing I've ever accomplished when it comes to making something with wood, & I completely love how it turned out. I also combined my talents, sewing a pennant banner & hand painting the sign. The pictures don't do it justice, & the banner I absolutely love, but I'll take some better pictures soon, It is far from perfect, but I made it so my kids would have something to play with outside, & maybe this summer we can actually sell some lemonade!
I made the lemonade stand for all my kids, but my daughter Jenaye is just so in love with it! 
After taking some pictures (with Hannah sleeping & Jaeger at school) we were inspired to make some hand-squeezed lemonade. Mmmmmm!! Nothing like lemonade for a sweet taste of summer! Now if summer would just hurry up! lol

Monday, February 27, 2012

First Photo Shoot of 2012

So Saturday was the first photo shoot I've done in awhile. A close friend of mine referred this wonderful couple, & they messaged me two days prior to see if I was up to doing an engagement shoot with their '71 black Mustang. Mind you, it's been quite awhile since I've done a photo shoot. I decided to go for it. They were such a nice couple, & they look so incredibly happy. It was such an honor for me to photograph them.

From the heart....
For some reason, when it comes to photography, I get scared. I start shaking & usually I talk myself out of it. I don't know why, but I think I've always been just scared. Scared to follow my passion, maybe I'm just afraid I'll fail at it. I've had people bad mouth my photography & be unsupportive, & I sometimes let that get to me the most. This photo shoot, I was trembling, but I pushed harder then I ever have. It also helped that I have the most wonderful supportive husband, a best friend who never lets me quit, & a loving mother who has always believed in me, ever since the very beginning. Without them, I probably would have given up. I found an amazing strength when a recent event almost took the life of my daughter, a strength I didn't even know I had. Maybe, it's made me want to face my fears. If I can get through something that nearly destroyed my life, I can do this. I want to live my life with no regrets. I am a strong woman who has had an unbelievable life. It's made me the kind, comforting, loving, scared, humble person I am today. I may sometimes be misunderstood, but I'm living, with nothing or no one standing in my way, & I'm living it the way I want to. Thank you to everyone who always believed in me & supported me, even when I couldn't believe in myself.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ice Cream for Breakfast?!

LOL Who says you can't have ice cream for breakfast?? An idea found on pinterest, I decided to make these for my kids for breakfast. I just love these fun food ideas for kids! Makes eating so much more fun!
Just make waffles, cut up bananas for the "ice cream" & put a berry on top! All I had was blackberries left after my kids devoured all the rest of the fruit. I'll be putting on my waffle recipe later today.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Photography Challenge: In My Kitchen

A couple days ago I was craving the sweet taste of summer!! I bought a coconut, starfruit, pineapple, peaches, raspberries, blueberries, & blackberries. I almost always have some sort of fruit in my kitchen! Before the kids & I dug in, I set it up to take a picture for my next photography challenge.

Photography Challenge: In My Kitchen
Doesn't this just make your mouth water?!! haha Can't wait for summer!!!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Mardi Gras & Brownies

So our family packed up & headed to the Red Cross Carnival yesterday. They had tons of stuff for the kids! They got paint, played basketball, bowling, tossed bean bags, looked at lizards, ate cupcakes & pretzels w/cheese, & got to win some prizes. My daughter chose this Mardi Gras mask & after she let me take pictures of her in it, I decided to use it for my photography challenge for the week.
Photography Challenge: Selective Color
I changed the photo to a black & white, brought the color back in for the mask & her eye, & added a texture layer. I really love my edits because she looks like a little catwoman.

Today I made my delicious brownies. I found this recipe years ago, & it's gotten the highest compliment I think a brownie can have.... "You don't even need any milk!" I make them for my husband's work all the time & for friends. Here is my secret recipe ~

1/2 cup butter
1 cup milk chocolate pieces
3/4 cup packed brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 large eggs
3/4 cup flour
1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking powder

  1. Preheat oven to 350'. Lightly grease 9x9x2 pan w/ shortening.
  2. In a small heavy saucepan over low heat, combine butter & chocolate. Stir constantly until melted so mix does not burn. Remove from heat & let cool.
  3. Add brown sugar & vanilla to chocolate mix, stir. Add eggs, beat until mixed. Add flour, cocoa powder, salt, & baking powder, stir until mixed.
  4. Evenly spread batter in pan. Bake 25-30 mins.
I used a cookie cutter to cut out hearts & drizzled them with chocolate fudge frosting. Add some sprinkles & enjoy!!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Summer Seashell Necklace

Sooo... I've got cabin fever big time! I decided to make some shell necklaces in anticipation for summer! This idea I found off pinterest. A really creative idea & super easy to make!

What you need:
melon seeds
fishing wire

How to:

  • Cut up a melon & scoop out the seeds. Rinse them up using a strainer, & let them dry on a pan for a couple days.
  • Collect some seashells at the beach or buy them from your local craft store (what I did since I live in Alaska) I drilled holes in mine.
  • String the beads & melon seeds on the fishing wire. Use the needle to poke holes through the seeds.

Put the necklace on, pack your beach bag, & head out into summer in style!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Rose Buttercream Frosting Practice

So last night I made about a dozen cupcakes so I could practice making roses with buttercream. Some of them didn't turn out so well, & towards the end they started resembling roses a little bit more, so practice does make perfect. I think the frosting was a little too soft, so next time I'm going to make it a tad thicker & see if that helps.

Fabric Roses

Had some leftover fabric & decided to make some fabric roses.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Two Special Features

So today, instead of it being about what I've created, I've decided to share what my husband, & my best friend have made. My husband really enjoys woodworking & has created some pretty amazing pieces. His latest, a pizza peel, made from beautiful oak purchased at Superior Hardwoods. He worked really hard on this the last two days, & tonight we are making a homemade pizza to try it out. Pretty darn cool!

My crafty best friend Amber, who just recently opened up her own photography business Shutterbug Photoplay {Visit Site Here}, went out of her way to make me this ADORABLE heart mobile!! Something I've been wanting to make, but she has the cutest selection of hearts & did such a beautiful job putting this together for me!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Game Day!!

So I got to spend Superbowl with about 13 kids running around having a blast, the guys screaming at the TV, & us girls hanging out. It was a total blast!! I made pretzel dogs & football krispies, both were a huge hit & I didn't bring anything home! Good food & tons of family & friends to fill my day with happiness, life can't get any better than this!!
These football krispies are so adorable & so EASY to make!

Make rice krispies, using cocoa krispies for the footballs. Let it sit once you mix the marshmallows & krispies until it's easier to mold. I buttered my hands & molded them into footballs, then melted white chocolate chips for about a minute. Pour into icing bag with a thin tip & work quickly to decorate the footballs. Absolutely delicious... enjoy!!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Flower Newsgirl Beanie

Yes... I'm on a crochet kick right now! lol Crochet has really been keeping me busy during these cold winter months. Last night, I made a flower newsgirl beanie. I loved this pattern because it was my first time doing a Cr dc (crossed double crochet) & the pattern came out so beautiful!

Pattern found here: Flower Newsgirl Beanie

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Up All Night Projects

So the last few nights, I've had the itch to crochet. I wanted to finally make myself something, so I decided to make a slouchy hat & an adorable ruffle scarf. My hubby was nice enough to take some really good pictures for me, & I'm thrilled to finally have some crochet cuteness for myself.

Crochet Slouchy Hat Pattern found here: Gumdrop Slouchy Hat
Ruffle Scarf Pattern found here: Ruffle Scarf Pattern